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no clue movie review:  Watchmen

Good movie. Very faithful to the graphic novel. I got to say though that Zack Snyder loves his sex scenes doesn't he. I thought there was a sex scene in 300 that was too much, and again here. Aside from that, the characters are complex and the storyline is good. Effects were really good and so was the cinematography. Although I could've done with less slo-mo. Generally, I enjoyed the acting, no huge standouts. It's more about the story and the characters I guess. I didn't feel like it was too long, like I'd heard. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't blow me away good. If you're interested or if you read the novel, you'll probably enjoy it though. Had I not read the novel recently, I'm not sure I would've liked it as much.

Not sure that was much of a review, but it's at least some thoughts on the movie. It's a fun way to spend a few hours if you enjoy violent comic inspired movies.

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