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Entries in random (16)


study shows that DVR's save relationships

Check out this article. Yet another positive nod for DVR's. I would say that 90% more people enjoy their TiVo's more than a cable DVR. I know I did. But check out the article.


I guess I have above average confidence

Check out this article. Interestingly enough I have a silver car which indicates that I have 1.2% above average confidence. That's not something I would have assumed about myself, but I'm glad I know now. It's a funny article. More to come in the days ahead...


a different kind of bueller

check out this from trailer mash


Buffalo: What is happening?

What is going on in my hometown area of Buffalo NY.

Catch this video of a car crashing into a Tim Horton's doughnut shop. This incident occurred in the Town of Tonawanda. I'm from North Tonawanda. If we crashed into the Tim Horton's, we'd at least grab some coffee & doughnuts too.

Then catch this story about a pizza delivery guy getting robbed of his pizza & wings. Now that is someone desperate for some good pizza & wings. Now if this were Pizza Junction pizza I could see it, but anywhere else, I just think that's desperate.


Thursday night, Friday Morning

Well, you may have noticed that I'm falling short on my claim of 30 Days 30 Videos with my no clue quickie video podcast. Stay tuned this weekend, I plan to try to churn out the 14 remaining videos before officially taking a break for a few weeks.

Anyway, I found this video on a blog tonight and I thought I would share it. It's awesome! And a fun song too!


Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from amandalynferri on Vimeo.