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BSG is ending....

Battlestar Galactica is ending tonight. I'm definitely watching the finale. It is bittersweet. BSG is one of the most interesting and dense series on television. It is one of the only things that SciFi (or soon to be SyFy) is actually doing right. It's a science fiction classic. It does all the things that scifi fans like me love, space battles, aliens and those frakkin' machines. It also has fantastic characters, plots that mirror society and make us think. I applaud the cast and crew of this show and wish everyone a lot of luck in their future endeavors. I'd be interested in seeing anything that this group puts together.

So, Battlestar Galactica I bid you adieu. It's been really nice getting to know you.

We are all just survivors searching for a home. All this has happened before, all this will happen again. So say we all.


Breaking Bad

I'm watching season 2 of Breaking Bad. This show is awesome. On the
2nd episode now. And watching in HD.

Sent from freddie's iPhone


Mobile blogging test

This is just a quick test to see if my mobile blogging is all set up.
No excuses now.

Sent from freddie's iPhone


what I've been up to lately

I've been really busy and haven't been blogging much. I haven't been going to movies as much either. I haven't been doing much of anything except working and visiting with family. But I'm trying to do what I can and let everyone know about it. I'm on facebook all the time. Look me up. I'm also on twitter every day, almost. I've added that to a more prominent place on the blog now too. I have to try to make time to do more with blogging and the website. It's fun when I make time for it.

Anyway, here's some stuff I'm into lately:

Dollhouse - another Joss Whedon gem. It took me a few weeks to get really into it, but this is a damn good show. Here's a quick clip
Battlestar Galactica - i can't believe there is only 1 episode left
The Amazing Race - I love this show always.
30 Rock - it sucked for awhile in the beginning, but has grown into the funniest show since Seinfeld
LOST - what can I say? THE BEST SHOW ON TV! It's got time travel, great characters, a story with so many twists and turns it makes me sick
ER - seems to be going out in style. Glad to see they are finally letting it go to rest though

not many. Saw WATCHMEN. Read my review, lazy bum. Watched some independent flicks in the last few months. I'd recommend The Visitor and LOVED Slumdog Millionaire. Most others weren't very good.

U2 - No Line on the Horizon
Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
TPain & Justin Timberlake - Can't Believe It

Looking forward to: New Star Trek movie in May and Heroes getting back to telling good stories again

try to write more later. Thanks for checking it out


no clue movie review:  Watchmen

Good movie. Very faithful to the graphic novel. I got to say though that Zack Snyder loves his sex scenes doesn't he. I thought there was a sex scene in 300 that was too much, and again here. Aside from that, the characters are complex and the storyline is good. Effects were really good and so was the cinematography. Although I could've done with less slo-mo. Generally, I enjoyed the acting, no huge standouts. It's more about the story and the characters I guess. I didn't feel like it was too long, like I'd heard. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't blow me away good. If you're interested or if you read the novel, you'll probably enjoy it though. Had I not read the novel recently, I'm not sure I would've liked it as much.

Not sure that was much of a review, but it's at least some thoughts on the movie. It's a fun way to spend a few hours if you enjoy violent comic inspired movies.