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Genius - PG Porn

Here's a video that I found because one of my friends on Facebook linked me to it. It's freaking hilarious. It stars Nathan Fillion (of Firefly & Buffy fame) and Aria Giovanni (Porn Star) and is directed by James Gunn. Just plain genius and I laughed out loud.


a new "V" mini-series?

Check out this article. ABC is developing a new take on the 80's mini-series "V". Cool.


Turn your PC into a TiVo

It appears that TiVo wants to exist in whatever form it can worldwide. I think it speaks to more things to come from this innovative company. I love my TiVo and couldn't live without it. I tried and used a cable company DVR for awhile and it's just not the same. Anyway, TiVo is making software for your PC that turns your PC into a TiVo. Maybe TiVo and Apple can start talking about a mac based TiVo. I would buy it in a heartbeat. Much more desirable than an Apple TV. Anyway, here's the article. I'm sure that this isn't earth shattering and that many people have tweaked their TiVo's in the past, but this is the first real attempt by the company to expand beyond selling TiVo boxes.


Buffalo a Top Sports Town

Growing up in the area, I already knew this, but now there is another ranking that talks about how passionate sports fans are in Buffalo, supporting teams like the Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres, Buffalo Bandits, Buffalo Bisons, etc. Check out the article.


Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are hilarious

Check out this video. Hilarious.